Questions for getting to know one another better

It may be the most fun if both people answer the same question. Or you can take turns and answer different questions. You can pick randomly among these, or go in order from start to finish. Of course you can skip any one that you don't want to answer.


1. Have you lived in the same place all your life, or in different places? Can you tell some thoughts about where you’ve lived?

2. What does the neighborhood that you live in look like?

3. Have you traveled anywhere, even a short distance from your home? Can you tell about any place you’ve been to?

4. What’s a place you would NOT like to live? Why not?

5. What’s a place you would like to visit? Why?

6. What’s a place you would be curious to learn more about? Can you tell your thoughts about this place?

7. Where do you go for your education? What does that place look like?

8. If you were to imagine a very wonderful place, what would that place look like?

9. Suppose someone showed you the room where they spent most of their time. What would make it look like a nice place, a place where you would want to spend time?


10. What are some things that you like to do?

11. What are some activities you like to do by yourself?

12. What are some activities you like to do with someone else, or other people?

13. What activities would you like to put MORE time into than you are doing now? Why?

14. What activities would you like to put LESS time into than you are doing now? Why?

15. What activities do you think it would make the world better off for people to do MORE often? Why?

16. What activities do you think it would make the world better off for people to do LESS often? Why?

17. What sorts of activities, if any, do you do that give you physical exercise?

18. What sorts of activities do you do that stretch your mental abilities and make them grow?

19. What things do you do to take care of your health?

20. Are you doing anything to try to make other people happier? If so, what? Does it seem to be working?

21. If you didn’t have any activities that you were required to do, for let’s say a week, how would you like to spend your time?

22. What activities, if any, are you required to do that you wish you didn’t have to do?

23. What are the activities that you do often that you least enjoy?

24. Is there some activity that you wish you were very skilled at? What would things be like if you were really skilled at that?

25. Is there something you could see doing every day for a long time without getting tired of it? Please tell about that activity, if there is one.


26. Who are some of the most important people in your life? What makes each of these people important?

27. Are there any friends that you feel you can really trust and get along with well, whom you like and who like you?

28. Are there any friends or acquaintances that are not very close, but you still have fun with? What fun things do you do with these people?

29. If you have a brother or sister or more than one, what is your relationship with this person like?

30. Do you do anything that is fun for both of you, with any family member? If so, what activity and with what family member?

31. Are there some people you know whom you really like? What do you like about any of these people? What do they do that makes you like them?

32. Is there someone who is alive today whom you very much admire? Who is it, and why do you admire this person?

33. Is there someone who was alive earlier but isn’t now, whom you admire? Who, and why do you admire this person?

34. Is there a character in a novel or story or movie or TV show or some other work of fiction, whom you admire? Who, and why do you admire this person?


35. What are you going to be doing in the near future that you’re thinking about and either looking forward to or dreading? Please tell about this.

36. What’s been happening in your life lately?

37. What is something really good that has ever happened to you. Please tell about it.

38. What is something that has ever happened to you that you didn’t enjoy? Please tell about it.

39. What is something that happened to you that resulted in your feeling a certain way? What was it, and how did you feel?

40. Are there any events that have been in the news that you remember, or that you have any thoughts about? If so, what are your thoughts?

41. Are there any events that have happened in history that you remember, or that you have any thoughts about? If so, what are your thoughts?

Reactions and Ideas

42. Are there any ideas that have had an effect on how you live your life? If so, what are they and how have they affected your life?

43. Please tell about your reaction to any event or anything else that you have any thoughts or feelings about. In other words, please tell about something that happened, and what you thought about it or how you felt about it.

44. Can you think of any ideas that have been important for people in general? If so, what are they? Why do you think these ideas have been important?

45. Can you think of ideas that have had a good effect on people or the world? If so, what are they, and what effect do you think they have had?

46. Can you think of ideas that have had harmful effects on people or the world? If so, what are they, and what effects do you think they have had?

47. Would you watch over the next few days and see if you come up with some idea that might be helpful or good in any way? Can you tell about it if it comes to you?

48. What ideas come to your head at this time when someone raises the question, “What are the most important goals of life?”

Favorites and Least Favorites

49. What are your favorite foods?

50. What are your least favorite foods?

51. Fav and least fav things to drink?

52. Songs?

53. Types of music?

54. Musical instruments?

55. Movies?

56. Types of things to read?

57. Books?

58. Writers of books or other things?

59. Animals?

60. Things to do?

61. Things that people do with you, or might do with you?

62. Sports?

63. Actors or actresses?

64. Other performers or entertainers?

65. Types of clothes to wear?

66. Places to go to?

Please say anything you want to about:

67. Swimming

68. Our government

69. Bicycles

70. Food

71. Sleeping

72. Schooling

73. Practicing

74. Getting in shape

75. Hair

76. Turtles

77. Clothes

78. Being famous

79. Exploring

80. Psychological Skills

81. Money

82. Jobs

83. Water

84. Air

85. Sports

86. Immigrants

87. Attractiveness

88. An idea

89. Yourself

90. Canada

91. Bullying

92. Violence and nonviolence

93. Reading textbooks

94. Being in the woods