Sentence completion exercise

In this exercise there are several unfinished sentences. You and someonje else can take turns finishing them. If you want to disclose things about yourselves that help the other get to know you better, that's a possibility. If you want to be guarded and not very self-disclosing, that’s very possible with these prompts also. If you want to have fun giving silly answers, that’s another possibility. You can decide how you want to use these.

1. It makes me happy to

2. One thing I’m proud of is

3. I like to

4. I am sorry that

5. I wish that

6. I wonder about

7. It’s a challenge to handle it when

8. One thing about me most people don’t know is that

9. I would like to learn more about

10. Sometimes I worry that

11. If I had a lot more money I would

12. One thing I fear is

13. One of the hardest things for me is

14. One of my main goals is

15. One of the qualities of people I admire most is

16. Before my life is over I would like to

17. One thing I never want to do is to

18. It really bugs me when someone

19. One time I felt really successful was when

20. It was scary when

21. I like it when

22. I want to know about

23. I am sorry that

24. Boys usually

25. A mother should

26. I would greatly fear

27. I don’t think I can

28. Other people

29. The future looks

30. One thing I need is

31. I am at my best when

32. What bothers me a lot is

33. School for me is

34. A thought about my parent is that

35. I don’t tell most people that

36. Most girls

37. A great worry of mine is

38. I don’t like it that

39. When I daydream, I think about

40. Years from now I will be

41. I am happiest when

42. I feel sad when

43. People in my family

44. I am at my worst when

45. It is fun to imagine that