One item functioning scale
Please rate the person’s overall functioning over the last week, (or other specified interval) where 0 is worst and 10 is best functioning.
Please use any number in the interval 0 to 10, including, if you wish, odd numbers or decimals such as 3.8.
Negative or harmful behaviors should pull the rating down. For example, despite lots of positive behavior, a few very harmful violent behaviors, or even one action if harmful enough, would result in a very low rating of global functioning.
When rating, please think in terms of “How much would I like it if every week were like this one, for this person?”
0=Very undesirable, very great need for improvement.
2=Definitely undesirable, great need for improvement.
4= In the undesirable range, need for improvement.
6=OK, adequate, acceptable, but not great. Improvement is desirable.
8=Good functioning in this area. Would be just fine if pattern continued as is.
10=Excellent functioning. Would be great, wonderful if pattern continued as is.
_____1. Please rate overall functioning. Good functioning is the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that tend to: produce happiness and well-being in both oneself and others; produce good social relations and positive achievement; and accomplish worthwhile goals. Please rate how strongly you would wish for this week's overall behavior pattern to continue.
Better, Worse, or Same Scale
Since ___________ date, the person’s overall global psychological functioning, well-being, or emotional and behavioral status is:
0=extremely worse
1=much worse
2=fairly much worse
3=somewhat worse
4=slightly worse
5=the same (or: the ways better and the ways worse cancel each other out)
6=slightly better
7=somewhat better
8=fairly much better
9=much better
10=extremely better