Your Name: __________________________________________________
Name of the person being rated:___________________________________
Today's date:__________________________________________________
Psychological Functioning Scale For Children and Adolescents
Please rate the person’s functioning in the following areas over the last month (or other specified interval), where 0 is worst and 10 is best functioning.
Please use any number in the interval 0 to 10, including, if you wish, odd numbers or decimals such as 3.8.
Negative or harmful behaviors should pull the rating down. For example, despite lots of positive behavior, a few very harmful violent behaviors, or even one action if harmful enough, would result in a very low rating on the “free of harm to others” item.
0=Very undesirable, very great need for improvement.
2=Definitely undesirable, great need for improvement.
4= In the undesirable range, need for improvement.
6=OK, adequate, acceptable, but not great. Improvement is desirable.
8=Good functioning in this area. Would be just fine if pattern continued as is.
10=Excellent functioning in this area. Would be great, wonderful if pattern continued as is.
Reminder: 10 is best and 0 is worst
_____ F1. Acting kindly and cooperatively with family members; acting in ways that help improve the "family emotional climate"
_____ F2. Being respectful and compliant with teachers at school.
_____ F3. Getting along with peers at school.
_____ F4. Making and keeping friends
_____ F5. Performing up to potential in schoolwork.
_____ F6. Being happy, enjoying life, having fun.
_____ F7. Being free of psychological symptoms that distress the person himself or herself. (For example fears or depression or worries). (0 is worst; 10 is best.)
_____ F8. Being free of symptoms that bother other people.(For example misbehavior or aggression.) (0 is worst; 10 is best..
_____ F9. Doing “activities of daily living”: getting out of bed, getting dressed, bathing, brushing teeth, going to bed, cooperating with transportation, etc.
_____ F10. Doing useful work other than schoolwork, for example helping with family chores.
_____ F11. Being free, as far as you know, of considering or carrying out any act of self-harm. (10 is no problem with self-harm, 0 is very severe problems with self-harm)
_____ F12. Being free of threatening or carrying out any act of harm to others. (10 is no problem with harm of others, 0 is very severe problems with harm of others)
_____ F13. Being able to concentrate, stay on task, not be distracted, keep working long enough, have a high work capacity
_____ F14. Being organized.
_____ F15. Thinking before acting, not being impulsive.
_____ F16. Being able to sit still long enough and to be free from restlessness.
_____ F17. Making other people happy, having a net positive effect on others.
_____ F18. Now please rate overall functioning. Good functioning is the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that tend to: produce happiness and well-being in both oneself and others; produce good social relations and positive achievement; and accomplish worthwhile goals. Please rate how strongly you would wish for this month's overall behavior pattern to continue.
Please note a new scale: 0 is best and 3 is worst.
0 = Never
1 = Occasionally
2 = Often
3 = Very Often
Please rate the person’s behavior in the last month.
_____V1. Does not pay attention to details or makes careless mistakes, with, for example, homework. (0 is best – never has this problem; 3 is worst – has this problem very often.)
_____V2. Has difficulty keeping attention to what needs to be done
_____V3. Does not seem to listen when spoken to directly
_____V4. Does not follow through when given directions and fails to finish activities
(not due to refusal or failure to understand
_____V5. Has difficulty organizing tasks and activities
_____V6. Avoids, dislikes, or does not want to start tasks that require ongoing mental effort
_____V7. Loses things necessary for tasks or activities (toys, assignments, pencils, or books)
_____V8. Is easily distracted by noises or other stimuli
_____V9. Is forgetful in daily activities
_____V10. Fidgets with hands or feet or squirms in seat
_____V11. Leaves seat when remaining seated is expected
_____V12. Runs about or climbs too much when remaining seated is expected
_____V13. Has difficulty playing or beginning quiet play activities
_____V14. Is “on the go” or often acts as if “driven by a motor”
_____V15. Talks too much
_____V16. Blurts out answers before questions have been completed
_____V17. Has difficulty waiting his or her turn
_____V18. Interrupts or intrudes in on others’ conversations and/or activities
_____V19. Argues with adults
_____V20. Loses temper
_____V21. Actively defies or refuses to follow adults' requests or rules
_____V22. Deliberately annoys people
_____V23. Blames others for his or her mistakes or misbehaviors
_____V24. Is touchy or easily annoyed by others
_____V25. Is angry or resentful
_____V26. Is spiteful and wants to get even
_____V27. Bullies, threatens, or intimidates others
_____V28. Starts physical fights
_____V29. Lies to get out of trouble or to avoid obligations (ie, “cons” others)
_____V30. Is truant from school (skips school) without permission
_____V31. Is physically cruel to people
_____V32. Has stolen things that have value
_____V33. Deliberately destroys others' property
_____V34. Has used a weapon that can cause serious harm (bat, knife, brick, gun)
_____V35. Is physically cruel to animals
_____V36. Has deliberately set fires to cause damage
_____V37. Has broken into someone else’s home, business, or car
_____V38. Has stayed out at night without permission
_____V39. Has run away from home overnight
_____V40. Has forced someone into sexual activity
_____V41. Is fearful, anxious, or worried
_____V42. Is afraid to try new things for fear of making mistakes
_____V43. Feels worthless or inferior
_____V44. Blames self for problems, feels guilty
_____V45. Feels lonely, unwanted, or unloved; complains that “no one loves him or her”
_____V46. Is sad, unhappy, or depressed
_____V47. Is self-conscious or easily embarrassed
Please note a new scale: 5 is best and 1 is worst.
4=Above average
2=Somewhat of a problem
_____VF1. Overall school performance
_____VF2. Reading
_____VF3. Writing
_____VF4. Mathematics
_____VF5. Relationship with parents
_____VF6. Relationship with siblings
_____VF7. Relationship with peers
_____VF8. Participation in organized activities (eg, teams)